Sunday 19 September 2010

Fashion Block

Gahh it's a Sunday. Time to catch up on homework I could've done during the week and prepping myself for a week of draining school and fun but tiring dance.

It's also about planning my outfits for this week. Being in 6th Form means wearing normal day clothes, though the school have asked for smart office clothing as you would when you leave Uni and get a job.

That's not really relevant to me because my future career won't require pencil skirts, blouses and that, so I usually improvise with jumper dresses and leggings. It's not well liked but I'm sticking to my guns on this because I feel I look smart and to be honest the state of the Year 11s and 10s should be of a bigger concern.

Argh! Five days outfits that need to look reasonably smart and fashionable to a extent. Plus a couple of back ups are needed in case of severe weather change, fat days, sudden lack of confidence to pull off a look. It's a mental minefield on a Sunday night!

By the way, my stats tell me I have people from Canada, Taiwan and England checking out the blog. Feel free to comment people! Tell me what you like and don't like, I can't improve from nothing.

Bebek Kedi xx

Tuesday 14 September 2010


It's cruel thing. Keeps you up all night with little or no sleep when you have to function properly the next day. My body is knackered but my mind is still spinning and just won't settle whatever I try.

I think my tiredness is starting to show through to others though. Last Friday one of my teachers had a chat with me, saying how he and another teacher of mine are both concerned for me at the moment, how I don't seem to be myself. I of course said to not worry, everything is fine and it's due to lack of sleep - which it partly is.

He has a point though. I actually don't feel like 'me' at the moment. Not feeling any particular emotions, just passing through the days feeling a bit... empty.

I can't suss out what's making me feel like this though. The thing is, none of the girls have said anything. But then again, I'm probably putting on a front which my teacher has seen through. Crafty sod.

Hmmm. Midnight musings over, I reckon I could burn some calories tossing and turning tonight.

Bebek Kedi xx

Sunday 12 September 2010

Out of the loop and pissed about it

I wish I knew what was wrong with me. Recently I've been feeling really down for no reason and I want to know why. The only time I've felt happy this past week has been either when I'm sleeping or at dancing - it really is a life saver.

Been feeling a bit out of the loop with people as well at the moment. It's in a general chat to more people and get know them better, that kind of thing. But it seems people don't feel like being friendly.

That's not my main concern though. But there is something bugging me in the back of my mind and I want to know what it is...

Sunday 5 September 2010

Facebook is being a Bitch

So I've gotten over that horrible 'post holiday blues syndrome' and am actually looking forward to a year back at 6th Form. Come October I will begin job hunting to get a part time job to pay for three weeks in Turkey next year without the parents around.

However Facebook keeps reminding me of Turkey through one particular person. Every single time I friggin log on or go to my home page, it says '"C", share the latest and send him a message' or 'Say hi to "C" and write on his Wall'.

Hmm luckily for you FB I clicked on his profile to see what pics he was tagged in - it's nice to see how much fun people have had in the same place you love - loads of people have written on his Wall and he doesn't reply to single one of them I've seen so far. Now why would I waste my time writing on a Wall when I'll get no reply?

It just annoys me that I'm constantly reminded of a place I can't go to for another year and while I wait I have to endure shite weather and the cold - both things I detest soo much!

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Fight Against the Flab

This Monday I started a healthy eating plan in a bid to lose some weight. It's only a little bit though, not like 2 stone or something - though that might be nice.

Friends that know I want to lose a little say I shouldn't because apparantly there's no need to. But I don't like my hips, so the only thing I want to do to just slim them down so I'm happier.
Another reason is that I'm starting double work soon so I want to be lighter for whoever's lifting me. I'd feel better knowing I'd made the effort to make their job a little easier.

However, this fight hasn't gone as well as I hoped; had a 99 cone today and some strawberry ice-cream last night when I got home. Doesn't help I'm having lunch at Costa tomorrow, damnnnn......
Well, I'ma try my best this week. Luckily next week normal term time routine starts so it should be easier to avoid junk food if I'm busy.

Bebek Kedi xx