Sunday 5 September 2010

Facebook is being a Bitch

So I've gotten over that horrible 'post holiday blues syndrome' and am actually looking forward to a year back at 6th Form. Come October I will begin job hunting to get a part time job to pay for three weeks in Turkey next year without the parents around.

However Facebook keeps reminding me of Turkey through one particular person. Every single time I friggin log on or go to my home page, it says '"C", share the latest and send him a message' or 'Say hi to "C" and write on his Wall'.

Hmm luckily for you FB I clicked on his profile to see what pics he was tagged in - it's nice to see how much fun people have had in the same place you love - loads of people have written on his Wall and he doesn't reply to single one of them I've seen so far. Now why would I waste my time writing on a Wall when I'll get no reply?

It just annoys me that I'm constantly reminded of a place I can't go to for another year and while I wait I have to endure shite weather and the cold - both things I detest soo much!

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