Tuesday 14 September 2010


It's cruel thing. Keeps you up all night with little or no sleep when you have to function properly the next day. My body is knackered but my mind is still spinning and just won't settle whatever I try.

I think my tiredness is starting to show through to others though. Last Friday one of my teachers had a chat with me, saying how he and another teacher of mine are both concerned for me at the moment, how I don't seem to be myself. I of course said to not worry, everything is fine and it's due to lack of sleep - which it partly is.

He has a point though. I actually don't feel like 'me' at the moment. Not feeling any particular emotions, just passing through the days feeling a bit... empty.

I can't suss out what's making me feel like this though. The thing is, none of the girls have said anything. But then again, I'm probably putting on a front which my teacher has seen through. Crafty sod.

Hmmm. Midnight musings over, I reckon I could burn some calories tossing and turning tonight.

Bebek Kedi xx

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