Saturday 11 December 2010

Being ill sucks!

Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat and then through the day I kept having chills and sudden waves of goosebumps. By 3rd period at school I was shattered and looking ghostly pale according to friends (that's two steps below my normally ivory complexion so I knew something was up) and we had a drama rehearsal where I had coughing fits throughout and I felt so wiped out by the end of it. Luckily with no lessons last I could met my mum down the local high street and help her with some errands before going home.

I knew I was ill because I went straight upstairs to change into trackies and a hoodie and brought down a huge blanket and watched tv. I managed dinner (just) and went to my room after The Simpsons. I then fell asleep between 7-7:30pm, which is nothing like me on a friday night. I then awoke at 12am with a burning forehead and feeling like I was in a ice plunge pool - not good. This went on til 1:30am before I slept again.

Today has been an improvement though. I woke at 12pm and have just chilled downstairs watching Come Dine with Me all day wrapped in a blanket, not eating anything and just drinking water with the occasional Diet Coke. My dad was in the kitchen and came into the living room with a logan berry which had been steeped in vodka, handed it to me and said 'That will definitely clear your cold if anything'. Strong stuff, but I think it might've worked. I went to bed at 10pm and I'm still awake now feeling almost normal again. Though I'm terrified of falling asleep in case I get worse again.

The highlights of my day? Having a conversation with a gorgeous guy on Twitter, Cher Lloyd was voted off the X Factor and right now I'm listening to Michael Buble  - perfect end to a day I think.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

When boredom kicks in...

In the middle of doing an essay and I'm a bit stuck on what to write next. So to pass the time of boredom trying to think, I'm trying to find an interesting stage name.

Trying to keep the same intials and I love anything Spanish (as well as Turkish) so I'm running on a Spanish theme with this. Here's what I have so far...

Kedi Flores                Kedi Mancini

Kedi Ruiz                   Kedi Molinero (my actual surname in Spanish)

Kedi Morales             Kedi Moreira

Kedi Medina              Kedi Mendoza

Monday 6 December 2010

Holiday Memory #1

Things are getting to a state of too cold and foggy, like, all the time now. Feel very ill, but that could be a 'run-down' feeling because it's nearing the end of term. So to cheer me up (and maybe spark memories of your own) I'ma share my first memory of this year's holiday to Turkey:

Travelling to Fethiye from Birmingham:

It's 5:30pm and the taxi turned up to pick up the family, Tiny had already arrived and was a little bit upset but she cheered up pretty soon. Fran turned up only seconds after the taxi did said a quick goodbye and we got in to leave for Birmingham airport. Because of a unexpected incident on the roads we were forced to make a detour and arrived at Birmingham with not much time to spare at check in.

We joined what was now a short queue and us four girls sat on our cases watching the people around us while mum and dad sorted passports and that out. Next to us was a queue all headed to Ibiza and a group of people all different ages wearing t-shirts with various things on the back. Here was the one that made us laugh:

If you've seen the last episodes of 'Friends' then you'll know how funny this was.
Also in the queue for Ibiza was the most gorgeous looking guy who had model looks - no joke - chiselled jawline, short brown hair and amazing physique. We all tried not to stare at him, we really did.

Check in sorted, we found a Wetherspoons to eat at, with very little time left before boarding.
Holiday tip: If you're in a rush then get a Caesar Salad, doesn't take long to make and the dressing allows for quick eating. The others had burgers which is not easy for quick eating and gives you indigestion later.

In a previous conversation with LK, he asked me if I would mind picking up some booze to take out with us and he'd pay us back - it's a cheaper and easier way of restocking alcohol during the busy season - so a quick run around duty-free and next thing I knew, we'd boarded the plane! I was like a little kid at Christmas, getting so excited!

As usual for me, I quietly freaked out during take-off but relaxed once we got going. Because we got a 8:00pm flight out it was less busy and Tiny and Trina (my sister) took a row each at the back. Me and Fran shared our row by sitting with our feet meeting in the middle - cosy.
It was a uneventful flight with a little interest in the lightening outside that we could see flying past. We were edging closer and closer to Dalaman.

Learning from last year when I'd left the plane in jeans, vest top and a cardigan, I took no chances and changed into a pair of shorts just before landing. Thank god I did! Despite the fact it was 2:00am in the morning Turkish time, it was still bloody hot compared to England! We queued for visas, claimed our luggage and then we were outside in beautiful Turkey! I was still like an excited kid and weirdly wide awake for some at what was now 3am!

We were stood in the pick up area looking around for our taxi but couldn't spot it. My dad went in search while the 5 females waited, me manning up in case of trouble haha. Eventually my dad found Memet, the same guy from last year - lovely person, he really is - and we were on our way out of Dalaman towards the town of Fethiye.

It was a 40 minute drive and everyone else fell asleep, but all I can remember is the adrenaline and excitement, recognising parts of the route from last year and trying to guess how far away we were, and making plans for this year. I woke Fran about 20 minutes before we arrived thinking it was about 5. Ooops.

Eventually we arrived at the apartment, and I bounded up the stairs with my suitcase. I insisted on showing Fran the apartment and the views around it. By this point dawn was breaking over the beautiful town:

From memory it was a bit darker than the photo, but yes, home sweet home.

Let the holiday begin :-)

Friday 3 December 2010


Feeling crap again. This is a problem with having the attitude of an actor. You can go from feeling super confident and having a slightly inflated ego to really dubious and paranoid.

Again I feel out of the loop with friends. A night at Pizza Hut was planned. I only heard about it today but the other's insisted they'd been talking about it all week. To be honest I would've quite gladly taken missed my class tonight to go with them. But again they assumed I couldn't go. Tossers.

Seriously, I love my friends, I never want to lost contact with them but I keep feeling detached and it upsets me, no lie. I think after this weekend I'm to organise a little thing this weekend with one of the girls maybe. We have some little Christmas things planned too so maybe things will improve then.

Damn it's late, should go get some sleep and recharge the batteries.

Iyi geceler. Bebek Kedi xx

Thursday 2 December 2010

On the first day of Christmas...

Well it's December. Christmas is on it's way people!

It officially began for me last saturday when the town's Christmas lights were switched on. Usually I haed down the main street with the bestie and we see what various things are on offer and that. This year she was working and was then going to her boyfriends 18th (nice to have an invite!). So I went down about half an hour with her sister who I get on with just as well.

We mocked many things, I like to think we were putting on a churlish teenager front for the audience, something I like to do from time to time :D

So yes, lights went on with a hitch - one strand at a time, epic fail really - we hung around for another half hour and we went back to her house for pizza and watch 'On the Town' - I love Gene Kelly - and eventually I went home having had a great night.

But back to Christmas - tree and decorations are going up on friday and I do the present buying on saturday. Dreading it because I generally hate shopping for other people which I know is really selfish but I won't deny it.
Lucky I know what some people want, others are being dicks and leaving me to guess which is what I really hate about Christmas shopping. Grrr...