Tuesday 24 August 2010

Dreams Confuse the Reality

So last night I was having 'thoughts' about a guy I really like. I'll call him N. We're sort of seeing each other though the last time we properly saw each other was at the BBQ his sister was having a few weeks ago. Not like Sunday night at a house party where he walked his sister there and I bolted out the car desperate for loo having just downed a can of Diet Coke shouting only 'Hi!' to him as I legged it past him.

Beforehand I'd been a bit confused because I thought I was going off him, especially after flirting with a barman in Turkey. I won't lie, I barely thought about N and actually forgot what he looked like one night. And trust me, this was definitely not down to drunkenness.

Coming home with holiday blues left me a bit confused then whether I like him or not. Then there was the BBQ and then I got over the holiday blues (with occasional homesickness)so I felt more certain. I still like the barman, no denying he was hot!

These thoughts were welcome then about N. But I had the craziest dream where this was all happening and more with the barman last night! This confused me when I woke up. I shouldn't let it, but my mind easily goes into overdrive. It doesn't overthink things logically I think, only when dreams interfere.

Christ I sound like a loony, but at least I got it off my chest.

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