Monday 16 August 2010

Here Comes the Sun

There is nothing I love more than a warm sunny day. And when I say warm, I mean warm enough for shorts and vest tops. As I type this, I'm relaxing on the grass in my back garden with my school books beside me.

Yeah the school work isn't coming along as brilliantly as I thought it would. Though, to be fair, it's the friggin Summer Holidays! We should be chilling out every day socialising with friends outside and then having occaisional lazy days bumming out watching TV. School shouldn't even be thought about until results day or about two weeks before starting back when you get stationary and new uniform. Not gonna lie, I actually like the whole getting new stationary part of it because there are so many cute designs now!

So the only thing annoying me about this sunny day is that it's the first one we've had this August - no joke in the two weeks I've been home from Turkey it's either been raining or just really cloudy - sucks to be a British teenager sometimes.
I hope the sun stays now until the end of September, just so the weekends are nice too.

The only thing missing is a bar and a beach. ;D

Bebek Kedi xx

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