Saturday 14 August 2010

Not gonna lie - this is definately not my first blog. I've had many reincarnations over the years since I was 14. I hope now this is the last one to last me a lifetime. The mix seems right; I have a new outlook on life and new plans and wishes I hope will work and come true one day. I'm also starting a new phase of my life and it figures that starting new things in new phases of life are more likely to stick (though this isn't always true).

I'm 17 heading into Year 13, so I'll be applying and auditioning for various drama colleges - yay I love the stress of it - as well as sitting my A Levels. It's times like this I wonder why I picked English Lit and it's also bollocks when it's said A-Levels are getting easier I really don't think they are.

I am so into my acting it's unreal, I love the idea of being a different person everyday if I want to and the attention from everyone while your on stage feels good - it means your doing a good job, either that or you're flashing. Dancing is another great thing in my life, I'm not cut out for vocational college but I love it so much I'll still be doing it into my 80s.

That's a brief look at me. Blog names will be explained in a later post.

Bebek Kedi xx

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