Sunday 21 November 2010

R.I.P. Adil

I found out this morning that the guy stabbed outside school died this morning. I nearly cried hearing the news but I continued on with the day in shock - it didn't seem real.

I got a phone call at 4:00pm from a friend asking if I wanted a lift up to the village to the place where it happened. A memorial had been organised for him. We turned up and there were quite a few people there already, it was so beautiful; flowers, candles and pictures were laid, everyone surrounded the shrine many crying, holding friends. One of Adil's closest friends said a few words and a couple of jokes which many of us smile, he treated the situation so well when he must have been hurting so much inside.

We had a moment of closing our eyes and thinking of Adil then a moment of clapping for him to celebrate his life. Two floating lanterns were lit and sent off into the sky which everyone watched with tears in their eyes. I thought I wouldn't cry, but with the atmosphere and having my own memories of Adil, my eyes overflowed. I would've love to have known him better but sadly I never will.

I know naming him may give away my anonymity, but Adil isn't a nameless statistic - he was a real person who was happy, funny, just an amazing person, he never really had a bad word to say about anyone and no one had a bad thing to say about him. What happened was a great injustice, I hope the bastards responsible rot in jail for what they did. Big love goes to his friends who tried to protect him when it happened and also to Nish, Adil's girlfriend - she has the support of everyone in 6th Form and her friends.

Adil, you will be sorely missed by anyone and everyone who knew you, I will miss your smile and laugh and seeing you and Nish around town together, looking so happy. You be gone in body, but you are always with us in our hearts and memories.

Rest in Peace and sleep tight xxx

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