Saturday 20 November 2010

Surreal Day

It's strange how you think you'll act in a situation but you then act completely differently. It's also strange how you can see a situation from a long distance and then realise how shocking it is when it gets closer.

Yesterday a boy in the year below me was stabbed outside school. I didn't know him personally, but I've known his girlfriend since she was little. Though I haven't spoken to her much recently I really felt for her. The worry and despair she must be feeling is unimaginable. Last time I heard he was in a stable condition at hospital, which is the best thing you could hope for in a situation like this.

The school was completely shut down, no one was allowed in or out and after school no one could leave by themselves. People walking home needed an adult escort to walk them home, everyone else needed to picked up by an adult and driven home. Because I was going out with some friends later this evening, we waited at the gates for Skinny J's mum who let us go sit in the car and wait for her sister who is in lower school. On our way to the car we were stopped by two press men who asked if we were in the 6th Form. Immediately we responded 'No' as we'd been asked to by the school and headed for the car.

Looking back on this now I realise how such a surreal day this has been. Raising money and having a great day in support of Children in Need, a nationally happy day, then something as grim as this happens.

It absolutely puzzles me as to how someone can stab somebody with little thought to whether that person lives or not, how you can end a life so mindlessly. That could've happened, luckily it hasn't.

Funny how you see stuff like this in the press nearly everyday, to the point it just washes over you and then it happens so close by. Just stunning to the mind.

With any justice these mindless thugs will be dealt with properly. Hope the guy recovers soon and his girfriend fights through this difficult time.

Bebek Kedi xx

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