Wednesday 27 October 2010

A Problem with Acting Training...

Well some of my friends have recieved offers from Universities - I am so happy for them because these are Unis they've really liked. One friend has recieved a email from Oxford saying they are 'actively looking' at her UCAS application. I really hope she gets in there, she's so smart and I'm always asking her for help with English essays.

Good for them - at least they definately have places to go to come next year on results day, as for me, well it's a case of auditioning everywhere and hoping, NOT praying (too atheist for that) that somewhere will have seen my love, passion and talent for acting and give me a place.

I've decided not to be too fixed on going somewhere in London, it's not possible to get specifically in London and it's expensive to live there too. Also people I know in Performing Arts didn't train London, often out in Essex or Glasgow and moved to London after training to be closer to auditions and agents. So now I'm not too fussed where I go as long as it's got good facilities and a active lifestyle.

I'll admit I'm terrified of the small possibility of not getting in anywhere because it would mean having to go through clearing which I do not want to go through. 3 years of doing something that I would never love as much as acting? Christ, it would kill me!

All I'm saying is, I'm bringing my A-Game to the auditions so everyone else better watch...

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