Tuesday 5 October 2010

Ridin' Solo

A week by myself in Turkey in September before I start Uni.

Yeah a big decision I know, but for some reason I feel it's something I need to do before beginning a new chapter of life, if not the trip is the beginning of the chapter. I'm already going away for two weeks with a close friend in July through to August.

As much I'm sure I'll enjoy her company very much, we're going at a very hot time of year and we'll probably want to do the touristy things like get pissed drunk; flirt and maybe even shag outrageously, sunbathe all day, never eat and go on excursions. A week to myself in the cooler month of September means I can do more exploring without the exhausting heat - as much as I adore the extreme heat, even I realise it is difficult to do much extensive walking without needing to stop every 100 metres to wipe of the sweat and drink a gallon of water.

It's also a sort of 'gap year', only not a year long and I'm not back-packing in Thailand or New Zealand, something about it doesn't appeal to me. Well it's a thought I'm particularly fond of and want to go through.

But it's going to cost money which I don't have. Hmm...

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